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Brow Service

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◇Semipermanent Tattoo 

 ( All the prices are touchup & post care kit included )

   ● Microblading  $500

   ● Powder Brow  $500

   ● Microblading+Powder brow combo $500

   ● Nanobrow  $600

   ● Touch up within a year $250

    ● Touch up in 2 year   $400

 Pre care

 2 month after Botox and  Face lifting . 

 No alcohol for 48 hours before the procedure. 

 2 month after being free of antibiotics.

 2 month after chemical peel. 

 15 days after brow tinting.

 6 month after cancer treatment with a note from Dr .

 2 month after Accutane or acne treatment.

 Stop taking aspirin for 3 days before if you can. 

 No Retin-A , Glycolic acid, AHA 2 month before.


 Post care

 Do not wash ,rub , touch, and scratch your eyebrows for 24 hours.

 After 24 hours, wash eyebrows gently with mild soap, rinse with water ( not hot), dry gently with facial  tissue, and apply a thin layer of the ointment you will receive with a clean  swab  2 times a day.

 You will follow this process for 5 days or until the skin is healed .


 Do not peel off the skin , scratch, rub or touch your eyebrows.


 Do not apply makeup or pencil on the brows for 3 weeks


 Do not use the sauna or do not exercise for 2 weeks : sweating is mostly about toxins from your skin .


 Do not use scrub, glycolic peels, cosmetics with alpha-hydroxy or beta-hydroxy ingredients ( soft chemicals helping to shed the cell of  the skin) for 3 weeks.


 Avoid the sun, tanning booths or swimming pools full of chlorine( chlorine is a bleach and pulls out the pigment ) for 3 weeks.


 Make sure you keep your touch up appointment within 4-6 weeks. This session is very important :the pigment is reinforced and any   modifications are made.


 If you think you are showing signs of infection, seek medical attention immediately and call your service technician.

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